Articles on: Events

What is the Maximum Number of Participants in a Venue Event?

What is the Maximum Number of Participants in a Venue Event?

By default, the maximum capacities for the venue event are as follows:

Unlimited - Number of people who can enter the venue event
100 - Number of people who can participate in the event wide text chat
100 - Number of people who can participate in the text chat inside the booth
15 - Number of people who can participate in a video chat inside the booth

Example: If 250 people are in your venue event, 15 people will be able to video chat inside each booth at the same time and 200 will be able to chat in the event-wide text chat simultaneously.

To view the current capacity for your event, simply click on Edit in the Video & Text Chat section under Edit Event.

NOTE: If you need a higher max capacity for your video or text chat, please contact support.

Updated on: 16/11/2022

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