How Do I Invite Another Person to Co-Host a Booth?
How Do I Invite Another Person to Co-Host a Booth?
Boothy allows you to invite non-team members to co-host a booth. This is ideal if you do not want the co-host to have to create an account on Boothy or to join your team.
Follow these steps to invite non-team members to co-host a booth:
On your Boothy Dashboard, click on Events at the top right of the page, next to Collections.
Click the Manage button on the event you want to invite non-team members to co-host a booth.
Select the Booth Host section.

After clicking on the Booth Hosts section, you should see a list of the booths for the event.

Click on Manage next to the booth you would like to invite non-team members to co-host.

Users have to register for the event in order to host a booth. Hosting capability only applies to the booth within this event and does not apply to the standalone booths.
Click the drop down menu Add Event Booth Host and select the email for the person you would like to add as a co-host (you can select as many people as you like).

Once you have selected the email, it will appear in the list of Event Booth Host. You can also email the newly added booth host instructions by clicking on the Send Email link.

Click on Close when you are finished. You will see the co-host emails next to the booth name.

Booth Co-Host won't be able to enter before the event starts unless you have enabled the option, Enable Fast Track Event Entry, for the event.
Updated on: 22/11/2022
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