Articles on: Booths

Can Multiple Team Members Host a Booth?

Can Multiple Team Members Host a Booth?

Yes, you can! After you create your booth, you can invite others to host or co-host the booth.

It is a helpful feature if you want to set up shifts for the day, one team member covers the first half of the event, and someone else covers the second half. Also, it helps if you would like multiple people from your team available to answer questions from the attendees.

To invite others to host or co-host your booth, you would simply invite them to join your team. However, there are currently three possible team roles to assign them to:

Team Roles:

Team Admin: They can invite other people to join the team, create a new team, and edit collections, events, or booths.

Team Member: They can create a new team, and edit collections, events, or booths.

Event Host: They can host the booth or event, but not to make any edits, invite people or create.

Team members will receive an email inviting them to join the booth, but they need to sign up as a Boothy user to join your team.

Use the following instructions to invite people to your team:

Click on the Profile button at the top-right corner of the page. Then, click on Team.


In the Team Members section, type the email address of the member you would like to invite, and then select the desired role for the invitee.

Click on Invite. A confirmation dialog will appear when the invitation email is sent.

Updated on: 16/11/2022

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